Top 8 Wine Apps

Taking label-reading technology to the next level, Delectable is essentially Instagram for wine-lovers. Upload your wine photos and the app recognizes producers, vintages, varietals and regions, helping you remember what you drank and with whom you drank it. You can shop, rate and describe wines, which can be viewed by other users, including sommeliers and industry experts. iPhone, Android, free.
Author and wine expert Laurie Forster has crammed decades of expertise into The Wine Coach. It boasts weekly wine picks, audio and video podcasts, a varietal guide to grapes and an interactive feature where users can submit questions and label pictures via email. iPhone, Android, free.
This all-in-one app allows you to scan, track and find new wines, going so far as to have it delivered to your home. One part Delectable, one part Seamless, the app offers over 30,000 wines to consumers in 41 states. iOS, Android, free.
A well-designed, modern-looking wine app, Plonk is a user-friendly wine discovery app. With a number of features including a pronunciation guide, food pairings and trivia, Plonk helps make wine more accessible. Users can also navigate the app’s periodic table of wine, with grape varieties with hues, which hint at the style of wine. iOS, Android, free.
The Wine Ratings Guide is almost like having your own personal sommelier at your beck and call. This highly rated, user-friendly app draws on a database of 1 million wines and provides flavor profiles, pairing suggestions, room to add your own ratings and the ability to view customized lists from other users. iPhone, Android, $3.99.
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